Participant of Etsy Small Business Contest

Neeta Gupta, an active participant of Etsy Small Business Contest

Briefly tell us about your business and what makes it different. Details could include how you got started, what makes your business stand out, or how difference has helped your business and others.

I started out by designing jewellery for my friends & family. But explaining and getting your designs made into everyday wearable jewellery was a frustrating process. It was then I enrolled into a jewellery making course at school for almost three years and finally started making my own jewellery creations. I work only on my original designs and draw immense inspiration from Nature.I use natural stones & freshwater pearls in my jewellery and mould silver in branches look.Thus, my creations have an organic feel to them.I strive to provide a value in my jewellery for all it’s worth to the wearer as they can fashionably wear my creations to work, shopping or to a night out with the same ease. My originality & unique finish has made a huge difference to my business.My this belief to make original handcrafted yet affordable & wearable jewellery has helped other artists in my city take the same shaky path with confidence.It helps to see someone else make the effort on a risky platform.

How would you use the Etsy Small Business Contest money to scale your business in a big way this year?

I will use this Etsy Small Business Contest money to do more promotional advertisement on Etsy. I’ll participate in Etsy shows in my city and this money will help me in participating in Etsy shows in other cities as well. All these promotions are desperately need for my business to scale in a big way.

Describe a truly special moment you’ve had with a buyer. Did they request an extra special item? Inspire a successful new product? We can’t wait to hear!

The business image I’m using is of the piece I made because of a buyer.
I had a bracelet with three strands of branches connected together at the ends. This tasteful lay liked it very much but that bracelet won’t fit nicely on her wrist. And she also wanted to have a unique stone on the bracelet. I spent quite some time designing a new bracelet that would look beautiful on her. I gave four branches a layered appeal from the side view and also had the gemstone laser cut in an exquisite design. She was extremely happy to have that bracelet and enjoys telling all the people she meets about it.
It has become one of my most selling jewellery piece and I’ve added options of different gemstones, cut in the exquisite laser design, in this bracelet.
That buyer was the driving force behind this bracelet.

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